Wildlife Photographer of the Year: Horseshoe crab wins gold

Hippo nursery by Mike Korostelev, Russia. Winner: underwater

The tadpole banquet by Juan Jesús González Ahumada, Spain. Winner, behaviour: amphibians and reptiles

Lights fantastic by Sriram Murali, India. Winner, behaviour: invertebrates

Whales making waves by Bertie Gregory, UK. Winner, behaviour: mammals

Life on the edge by Amit Eshel, Israel. Winner, animals in their environment

The ancient mariner by Laurent Ballesta, France. Winner, portfolio award ‘The golden horseshoe’

Last breath of autumn by Agorastos Papatsanis, Greece. Winner, plants and fungi

Alpine exposure by Luca Melcarne, France. Winner, rising star portfolio award

Last gasp by Lennart Verheuvel, the Netherlands. Winner, oceans: the bigger picture

Birds of the midnight sun by Knut-Sverre Horn, Norway. Winner, Urban Wildlife

The unprotected by Karine Aigner, US. Winner, photojournalist story award

The dead river by Joan de la Malla, Spain. Winner, wetlands - the bigger picture

Silence for the snake show by Hadrien Lalagüe, France. Winner, behaviour: birds

The tourism bulldozer by Fernando Constantino Martínez Belmar, Mexico. Winner, photojournalism

Owls’ road house by Carmel Bechler, Israel. Winner, 15-17 years

Wildlife photographer of the year. Out of the blue by Ekaterina Bee, Italy. Winner, 11-14 years

The wall of wonder by Vihaan Talya Vikas, India. Winner, 10 years and under