One Piece: The significant alteration in Episode 1105 has Sanji fans furious

One Piece Episode 1105 features a major change from the manga, which has upset Sanji fans on social media.

At the moment, the One Piece manga and anime are both focused on the Final Saga’s Egghead Arc. The anime series still has a ton of amazing moments to cover, even though the manga is practically at the end of its current arc. Toei offended Sanji’s followers by altering one of his parts in a recent episode.

Sanji supporters are outraged at what they perceive to be Toei’s ongoing prejudice, even if other One Piece viewers don’t believe it’s a big problem. They were also angry at the occasions when Sanji and Zoro faced off against the King and Queen. While both characters receive equal attention in the manga, this isn’t the case in the anime.

Zoro seems to eclipse Sanji since he has greater screen time. And because of the episode’s speed, one of Sanji’s accomplishments gets overlooked this time.

Sanji’s sluggish response to Edison’s rescue in the anime makes it easy to forget that he is quicker than a beam.

One Piece Episode 1105

In the manga, Sanji gets there so quickly that the beam misses Edison. After that, he lands close to Zoro, but that wasn’t included. Franky wasn’t in the original scene, either. Some, meantime, are angry that Franky saved Lilith since, since she is able to fly, no one else is ever needed to prevent her from falling.

To maintain a sluggish pace and avoid falling behind the manga, the anime incorporates several additional sequences. But the real problem lies in Sanji’s speed—he can outrun Zoro in some situations. Even so, it takes him a whole minute to get there in the anime.

Edison is still struck by the light even after he saves him. Although Sanji and Zoro are often compared in terms of power in the manga, Sanji may be minimized in these kinds of scenarios.

“This isn’t really new, as Sanji fans have been disappointed with how they handle Sanji in general,” a fan said.

Another shared: “They definitely got something against Sanji, first the filler scenes against s-shark and now this… they’ll probably find a way to ruin his feats against Kizaru and Saturn as well.”

One fan explained: “Its not even that. Its the fact that they made sanji look so slow. It takes him like a full minute after the explosion in the episode to get Edison. In the manga Lilith barely has enough time to speak before sanji is on the ground.”

Some One Piece fans, who don’t have Sanji as their favorite are also voicing their opinion on the matter. The fan commented: “Not even a Sanji fan, but that’s disappointing; biases ruin many crucial manga moments to what they originally intended. That’s why I’m excited for WIT studio production.

“I’m a Zoro fan I felt like I got cheated LMAO idk understand why they don’t jus replicate it how it happened,” shared another.

Some in the community, meanwhile, don’t think this is a huge concern. Let me clarify this for you, one of them said. a large animation studio that creates several anime, each with its own unique cast of characters. chooses to devote their time to portraying Sanji negatively in order to be prejudiced toward a fictional character. Do you guys believe Toei has that much time left?

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