The release date of Shah Rukh Khan’s Dunki is set in stone. The issue now is whether Salaar will be postponed. It is well known that this Christmas weekend will see a match between Bollywood’s Badshah, King Khan, and pan-Indian superstar Prabhas. The emotional drama Dunki, starring SRK and Hirani, has not yet had an official release date, but according to the most recent sources, it is already set.
Fans were left in a difficult situation when the film’s advertising materials abruptly stopped mentioning the release date and just stated that it would be available for Christmas. But with the knowledge that Dunki would be launched on December 21st, a theater standee
We now have to wait and see if Salaar moves the release date to December 21 in order to avoid a conflict with other events, or if it stays with the original December 22 release date. Dunki was postponed from the 22nd to the 21st for a standalone release day, and we’ll have to wait and see what the Salaar team decides.
The Dunki team had originally been scheduled for December 22nd, but when Salaar was revealed to be out on the same day, Bollywood was abuzz over the Dunki team’s decision to reschedule for a single release date of December 21st. The release date of Dunki seems to be causing the game’s creators some confusion, as seen by the removal of the information from the advertising materials.
There was no stated release date for the movie’s teaser, which debuted on Shah Rukh Khan’s birthday. It was simply indicated as a Christmas release, and neither the new posters nor the teaser have officially revealed the release date. However, as previously said, Dunki will be available on December 21.