Guntur Kaaram box office collections: Under the auspices of Harika Hasini Creations, Surya Devara Radhakrishna (China Babu) and Trivikram Srinivas collaborated to create the movie Guntur Karam. Superstar Mahesh Babu and Srileela directed this film, which debuted on January 12th to great fanfare globally. However, if we get into the specifics of the movie’s budget, pre-release operations, screen distribution, and collections,.
The film Guntur Karam was produced on an enormous budget. The total budget of the movie is around 200 crore rupees, which includes the performers’ and technicians’ salaries as well as promotional costs. However, this film also made 132 crore rupees in pre-release sales globally. The initial goal for the box office trip was to break even at about 135 crore
Regarding the pre-release revenue of the Guntur Karam film, it was 42 crore rupees, of which 14 crore were seeded and 46 crore were in Andhra. With it, the Telugu states’ theater rights recorded a 102 crore business. The worldwide rights were sold for 20 crore rupees, while the rights of Karnataka and other states were sold for 9 crore rupees.
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The Guntur Karam movie garnered such great excitement that it was released in record theaters. It was shown on 850 screens abroad, 150 screens in other Indian states, and 1050 screens in Andhra and Nizam. released on 2000 screens throughout the globe.
The Guntur Karam movie is incredibly popular in advance, with record-breaking occupancy rates. 70% for the first show, 70% for the second show, 60% for the matinee, and 75% for the morning shows. Hyderabad had the highest occupancy rate at 70%, followed by Vijayawada at 97%, Vizag at 90%, Warangal at 77%, and Kakinada at 90%.
The Telugu state has seen a significant increase in advance reservations for the film Guntur Karam. It is anticipated that the first day of collections in Andhra, Nizam, Karnataka, and other states will bring in 50 crore net. 12.5 crore rupees were earned abroad. According to trade reports, the opening day’s receipts for this movie are expected to range between 62 and 70 crore.