Renowned animator Jujutsu Kaisen declines to continue working with MAPPA in the future.

The animators working on Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 have previously criticized MAPPA on many occasions, and now another well-known animator has revealed the unfavorable workplace atmosphere at the company.

Every fan of Jujutsu Kaisen is thrilled with the excellent caliber of each episode as the show is presently airing on its Shibuya Arc. For example, the anime community considered the most recent episode to be among the finest of the year.

Jujutsu Kaisen’s popularity has definitely increased significantly as a result of the amazing animation in the current season. The community as a whole is lauding the animators at MAPPA for their dedication.
Even though Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 went off without a hitch, MAPPA has come under fire for having subpar working conditions after many animators from the studio criticized them when they were working on the most recent season.

Jujutsu Kaisen animator will never work for MAPPA again

Chapter 17 of Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 was an excellent episode, made possible by the diligent animators at MAPPA. The popularity of the most recent JJK episode was also greatly attributed to Chansard Vincent, who is well-known for his roles in Boruto and a number of One Piece episodes, notably the one in which Luffy underwent his Gear 5 transformation. But the well-known animator just posted about it on social media.

“2 years ago, I said I would never work for MAPPA again. Hakuyu Go-san was the only one who made me reconsider, but this was the last time. Will see if I get permission to post Genga.”

Vincent also shared some copies of his artwork that feature the scene in which Mahoraga is seen in the pool.

Although MAPPA’s purportedly poisonous workplace has already made headlines, the community as a whole was alerted when the studio’s employees suddenly came clean.

Furthermore, it’s important to remember that even if the most recent episode is among the best ever, it didn’t include all that was anticipated. A number of fans on social media disclosed that there were sequences in JJK Season 2 episode 17 that were left incomplete. This is a result of the tight timeline, which prevented the animators from completing all of their intended work for the episode.

Indeed, one of the most talked-about anime series is Jujutsu Kaisen, and MAPPA is a massive company that has worked on a number of significant projects. The community is therefore dissatisfied with the existing state of affairs and everyone is hoping that it will be remedied quickly.

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