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How to create a new Flutter project

Creating a new Flutter project is like taking the first exciting step towards building your own Flutter app. If you’re new to the world of Flutter, don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating a brand-new Flutter project from scratch. Flutter, developed by Google, is a versatile open-source UI framework that empowers developers to craft stunning, quick, and cross-platform applications.


Before we dive into the creation process, make sure you have the following things ready:

  1. Install Flutter SDK: Get Flutter up and running on your system.
  2. Install Android Studio: Android Studio is your go-to tool for Flutter development.
  3. Download and Install JDK: JDK, or Java SE Development Kit, is essential for Android development.
  4. Choose an IDE: Pick a suitable Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like Android Studio or Visual Studio Code.
  5. Device or Emulator: You’ll need a device or emulator to run and test your app.

For a detailed Flutter installation guide, you can check out this resource.

Using the Command Line: Creating Flutter Project

Once you’ve got all the prerequisites sorted out, it’s time to create your Flutter project. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Project Directory: Open your command line and move to the directory where you want to create your Flutter project. You can do this using the cd command:
   cd /path/to/desired/location
  1. Create Your Project: With the right directory in place, initiate your Flutter project with this command:
   flutter create my_project_name
Remember, when naming your project, stick to lowercase letters, use underscores to separate words, and only use letters (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9), and underscores. Avoid uppercase letters, dashes, or special symbols. They'll only lead to errors down the road.
  1. Run Your Project: Move into the project folder and run your freshly created project using the following command:
   cd my_project_name
   flutter run

Optional Arguments: Creating Flutter Project

Want to customize your project further? Flutter gives you the flexibility to do that. Here are some optional arguments you can use:

  • Setting Android Language: You can use the --android-language argument (-a) to pick between Java and Kotlin for Android-specific apps. The default is Kotlin.
  flutter create --android-language=java my_project_name
  • Setting iOS Language: Similarly, for iOS-specific apps, use the --ios-language argument (-i) to choose between Swift and Objective-C. The default is Swift.
  flutter create --ios-language=objc my_project_name
  • Target Platforms: Flutter sets up the project for multiple platforms by default. But you can specify platforms using the --platforms argument. Just separate multiple values with commas.
  flutter create --platforms=ios,web my_project_name
  • Project Type: Specify the project type using the --template argument (-t). Options include app, module, package, and plugin.
  flutter create --template=plugin my_project_name
Note that the --platforms argument will only work if the --template argument has a value of app (default) or plugin.
  • Adding Code Sample: You can include a code sample using the --sample argument (-s). Just pass the sample ID as the argument value.
  flutter create --sample=material.TweenAnimationBuilder.1 my_project_name


And there you have it! You’ve successfully created a Flutter project using the command line. Flutter’s flexibility allows you to tailor your project to your needs setting languages, choosing platforms, and even including code samples. Happy Fluttering!

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